About us

CTRL (Pronounce Control LTD) is a gameserver hosting provider, providing our customers the very best gameservers for a really good price. We don't only rent servers and call it a day, but have made it our mission to revolutionizing the industry with high quality gameservers and adminpanel. We invest heavily in simplicity, because we know you don't want to play around too much in a messy system.

CTRL first appearence on the market was back in 2015 when CTRL decided to host free gameservers. You could rent a Counter-Strike Global Offensive gameserver for free for up to 2 hours. The businessmodel was good, but we knew we could do much better. So instead of offerering you free gameservers with bad quality, we're offering you high quality gameservers for a low price.

Always improving and aiming to be the very best. Welcome to CTRL.